Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chicken Ranch Tacos-Slow cooker style, with modifications

I am going to try to post about once a week, schedule permitting, and I will start with a very tame example of improvisation in cooking (don't want to get too crazy in the first post, in case you scare easily). Mostly, I just love this recipe and want to share it with you. It comes in the form of tacos-always a favorite in our house.

Original Plan/Recipe:
I attempted this recipe: The first time I made it, I used the directions I found on a Pinterest pin (where I originally saw it-I spend a LOT of time there. You'll see.) which were already modified. The pin's modification were in keeping with my improvisational spirit-I don't cook much on the stovetop with two small children. That's a recipe for disaster anyway you spin it. They called for 1 can of broth, chicken breasts, packet of ranch and packet of taco seasoning in the crock pot for about 3 hours.

Practical application:
I wanted leftovers to make at least one more meal out of the chicken. Sometimes, increasing the recipe does not translate to exactly twice the ingredients and can end in a disaster. Plus, we all know Pinterest suggestions usually don't have the correct measurements, if they are specified at all. Thankfully,a disaster was not in the cards this time. I used almost 2 lbs of chicken, 32 oz of broth since I didn't have a can but an oversized box of broth in the pantry, and I wanted ALL the chicken in the liquid so it wouldn't dry out. I used 2 packets of ranch and taco seasoning though and let it cook for about two hours longer, about 5 hours total. It turned out awesome, I must say.

Additional modifications:
The second time, I bought a bag of frozen chicken (10lbs) and used 3 packets of each ranch and taco seasoning. I used enough water to cover the chicken (no broth because I didn't have any). I didn't measure at all. I cooked it on high for the first 3 hours and low for 2. It still turned out tasty as ever. I kept out what we'd eat in two days and froze the rest in 1-day portions. Score for bulk cooking! Double score for bulk cooking with almost no extra work!

Today, though, I tried the recipe with water instead of broth and pork roast instead of chicken. It tasted even better as pulled pork carnitas.


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